■ 권장 브라우저 사용 공지 ■

본교 글로벌교육원 홈페이지의 모든 서비스를 이용하기 위해서는
구글 크롬 브라우저를 사용하여야 합니다. [다운로드]

마이크로소프트사 지원중단
  - 익스플로러10(IE10) 2020년 1월 지원중단
  - 익스플로러11(IE11) 지원 중단될 예정

지원중단의 문제점 : 보안에 취약.

크롬 브라우저다운로드 페이지로 자동이동됩니다.


About WGST


President’s Greeting
First of all, may the grace of God be with you all.

I would like to introduce our graduate school (Westminster Graduate School
of Theology).
Our graduate school has over 54 years history, with our vision that
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
We do our best to make outstanding disciples of Jesus Christ.

Even though we have a different colors, nationalities and languages,
we are one family in God.

If you want to study more in our school, we will support you, as we can do.
We know where there is a will, there is a way.

May God open a door for your future.

May God bless all of you.

WGST. President.
Rev. & Dr. In chan Chung.